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Photo Gallery of Tips While Opting for Living Room Flooring Ideas

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Traditional Living Room with Sisal Area Rug Floor

Traditional Living Room With Sisal Area Rug Floor (Photo 9 of 15)

Living room flooring greatly reflect on one’s personality and preferences. There are so many kinds of flooring materials and ideas available today, that they are mind-boggling. But apart from your personal preference, there are aspects which need to be kept in mind while deciding upon the flooring. The material, how durable it will be, how much maintenance it will take, and how much it will cost are just some of the issues pertaining to this decision.

Living room flooring ideas need careful and sustained thought on how you want your living room to look. The flooring will add to not just the colours, but the personality of the room. Wooden flooring is very popular, as are tiles. Hardwood flooring is an expensive, but beautiful flooring plan. Hardwood flooring is of various kinds. The layout and the colour coordination needs to be thought of well, before opting for it. It is slightly high on the maintenance scale, but hardwood gives off a rich, elegant feel to the living room, and also makes it look very warm and inviting. Matching the furniture to the flooring is imperative. This needs to be thought of before the furniture or the flooring is decided upon, and bought. Marble floors are also very common, and tiles are of many kinds, and most of them are very low maintenance.

The living room is almost always the centre-point of the house. And how it looks and feels will depend greatly on the kind of flooring done on it. The flooring is not just responsible for the ambience of that room, but also influences the ambience of the other rooms in the house. For those who are of a more eco-friendly bent of mind, bamboo-wood flooring is the way to go. It gives the living room a wooden finish without being harmful to the eco-system. Living room flooring ideas should also be governed by the people who will be frequenting the room. For a house with toddlers in it, marble flooring for the living room may not be the best possible idea because toddlers tend to fall a lot, and marble flooring will not help. Carpeting the living room is the best option when one is worried about accidents happening in this room.

Tiles can also suit living rooms. There are many textured tiles up for grabs, which add a lot of depth and attitude to the living room. Stone tiles are also an option for people who are going for a more rustic feel for their living rooms. The rustic edge can also be achieved with unpolished hardwood flooring. For a more elegant feel to it, marble flooring is always a very good option. It looks decadent, and with the right kind of furniture and lighting, the room will look very glamorous and sophisticated. Terracotta tiles or natural stone tiles, and also ceramic tiles are some options which can be explored while figuring out living room flooring ideas.