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Photo Gallery of Music Themed Bedroom Ideas

Explore Photo of Abbey Rd Bedroom Theme

Abbey Rd Bedroom Theme

Abbey Rd Bedroom Theme (Photo 6 of 10)

Do you love music? If that’s so, why don’t you have the music Themed Bedroom in your house? That could be a great idea especially when you love to sing in the bedroom also! This bedroom theme could be very lovely and interesting to have with, and surely make people comfortable with such amazing bedroom if you decorated it well. If you wonder how to do it, here we have some music themed that you can use and apply in your bedroom easily.

First of all, you can have this music note wall sticker and wall paint in your bedroom. If you think that it would be childish, then you’re wrong! You should put the simple design of the music notes with the right size, which is not too big or not too small, and put it all over the bedroom. Yes, all of it, rather than just put the wall sticker in one side or to side of the bedroom.  You can decorate the bedroom later with such unique pattern that you already have.

The second, you can try is to put some fancy music curtain walls in the bedroom. If you’re having such a small bedroom with limited space, then this kind of curtain usage is the best way that you can try to achieve the Music Themed Bedroom. It could be the large music notes pattern in the curtain, the piano notes, the picture of your favorite instrument, or simply your favorite legendary musician’s mosaic and artwork.

One thing to keep in mind, whenever you’re decorating this bedroom, it’s about you’re putting one big element about music in a simply designed bedroom, or decorate the whole thing with the music theme. Never do it if you don’t feel like to decorate it with any kind of decorating ideas or purposes.