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Best Modern Minimalist Walk-in Tub

Best Modern Minimalist Walk In Tub (Photo 15 of 15)

There are many things that we take for granted in life. For most people, when they are young and vibrant, still in good health, they will spend much of their life working hard in order to get where they want to go while neglecting their health. As they get older, things that used to be easy start to become hard. This can be due to years of not taking proper care of the body but it can also be due to old age or perhaps an injury. Whatever is the case, not being able to do this like take a bath on your own anymore can be quite a hassle. Fortunately, there are products such as walk in tubs to help make life a little bit easier.

Whether a person is unable to confidently bathe on their own without risk of injuring themselves due to just getting old or a disability, it can be hard on both the person and the people who need to help them. We all have to bathe to keep clean but most tubs are made for people who are in good physical health. For those who have trouble just getting over that 1 and a half foot side of the tub, getting clean can be a difficult task. This is why walk in bathtubs are made.

They generally look like any regular tub from afar but when you actually use it, you can see that there are certain distinct features that help make bathing an easier process to be done on one’s own. The first big feature is the opening door. This door eliminates the biggest hurdle of having to step over the side of the tub to get in. Since those who have weak knees and are frail can’t do this without risk of injury, having this door gives them the freedom to enter the tub simply by opening the door and stepping over a step that is only a few inches high. This will eliminate the need for someone having to carry them into the tub.

The door, once closed, is air tight as well as water tight so there won’t be any concerns of water leakage. Inside the tub, there will be a seat for the user to sit on as well as deck-mounted shower head, a soft grip safety handle, and a drain release to get rid of the water. The contoured seating makes the chair comfortable to sit on in order to make the experience of bathing as easy as possible. Some models will even have tub-wall jets for hydro massage action. This will make the user feel like they are sitting in the jacuzzi. The inside of the tub can be made of different materials such as porcelain, marble, and ceramic.

All of these features make these walk in bath tubs an ideal product to help make life a bit easier for those who have trouble bathing on their own. The cost of a walk in tub will depend on the type of tub that you get. There are some tubs that come will a load of accessories while some can be pretty basic and only have the necessities. You can get ones that you can install yourself or you can just hire someone to install it for you. In terms of brands, there are many you can choose from so what you will want to do is go online and read some of the reviews to see which premier walk in tubs are the best buys.

In general, you should be able to get these for about $2,000 to $5,000. Now if you get the walk in tubs that come fully loaded with accessories and you get it installed for you, then it can cost as high as $15,000. This may seem very expensive but you will need to consider the alternative. Many people will pay way more than this for assisted home living. You just have to way both the cost of not having one of these tubs as well as the added convenience of having one to use.

One of the hardest things to have to deal with as we age is realizing that we are not able to do a lot of the things we used to be able to do so easily. Unfortunately, this is just part of life. Although not every task can be made easier, products like walk in tubs certainly help. The more things that we can do on our own as we age, the more free and independent we will feel. Even things like having those chair lifts for stairs can help give us some of that freedom back. This is why it’s important to take care of your health as early as possible so you can prolong situations like this for as long as you can.