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Photo Gallery of 10 Best Ideas to Decorate Flokati Rugs

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Glamorous Girls Bedroom with Flokati Rug and Patterned Accent Wall

Glamorous Girls Bedroom With Flokati Rug And Patterned Accent Wall (Photo 3 of 10)

A flokati rug is a handmade shag wool rug. Making flokatis is a long-time tradition of the Vlachs in the Pindus mountains. The natural color of a flokati rug is off-white, but they may be dyed different colors. The entire rug is wool, including the backing from which the tapered shag emerges. After the rug is woven, it is placed in the cold water of a river to fluff the shag. They continue to be handmade in the mountains of Greece and are regarded as desirable in American modern decor and childrens rooms.

In the world of rugs, there are certainly a lot of different options to choose from. There are many uses for any type of rug such as helping to keep the floor warm as well as improving the attractiveness of the room. The type of rug you choose is important because different rugs will have different advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at the flokati rug. This is just one in the many different rug options that you have. We will look at a couple of the key benefits as well as give you some tips on how to clean and care for this type of rug.

The first benefit of flokati rugs is its smooth feel. These rugs have a pretty long history and through the years have become popular as a choice of home rugs. The soft look as well as touch of these types of rugs can really help create a lighter appearance in your room. Like any type of rug, you will want to choose something that will help compliment your current décor and style.

When buying flokati area rugs, there are a couple of things you will need to know. The first is that there are different types of material that you can buy. A flokati wool rug and a flokati shag rug are the most popular. Another thing is how to determine the quality. These types of rugs are measured by weight in terms of grams per square meter. The greater the weight that it has, the greater the thickness of the rug as well as the greater the fluffiness.

In terms of cleaning and caring for your flokati rug, you will want to do a couple of things. The first thing you will want to do is take it outside and shake it every now and then to get rid of the dust. Shaking your rug when you first get it will also help make it fluffier as well. When vacuuming these rugs, you will want to avoid running the vacuum cleaner on top of them because the material can get stuck within the rotating rollers of the vacuum. What you want to do instead is to use the suction head of the vacuum instead. In terms of washing it, you will want to wash it in a washing machine with cold water, not hot. You will also want to air dry them as well.