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Photo Gallery of Fascinating Black and White Contemporary Apartment Designs

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Cool Fascinating Black and White Designs

Cool Fascinating Black And White Designs (Photo 4 of 10)

For these last few decades, many homeowners frequently use a certain style of decoration for small living spaces. The style is the room showing glass window and doors, beige wall which are open in most parts, brown tile and also wooden brown coffee table. Well, these tips are really great for small houses and apartments, but when you see the brown and beige apartment design everywhere, it gets boring. Why not try to get a unique apartment design such as the black and white contemporary apartment designs.

Beach house in modern style comes with the simple arrangement of furniture. You might start by arranging the furnishings in very carefully. Since modern house has narrow space, it is a must to decorate every part of house effectively. If it possible, take double duty furnishing to decorate your modern coastal home designs to make the room feels roomy. Never placing too much furniture is the key to avoid cluttered look over your coastal living house.

a href=http://nyupoco.comnInstead of that mixture of brown and grey contemporary apartment designs, you should go with the black and white contemporary apartment designs. When you do the black and white, it does not mean that you cannot add another color that will pop and be contrasting with the two tones. Instead, it is a great thing to do. You may pick colors like the canary yellow, aqua coral and also Kelly green. Remember that those colors would be the accent to the black and white and should not be overwhelming them.

Although the black and white contemporary apartment designs provide great tones, but the two contrasting color patterns can be quite busy, thus it is wiser to use them on the wall behind your headboard or to the pillow shams. This way, you would not have to look at them while you are trying to sleep. Then for the accessories, you can also use the patterns of black and white. Put the third color a little here and there in the accessories.

Description: How can you do black and white contemporary apartment designs? Here are the three tips that you can do so that your apartment look and feel great at the same time.