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Relaxing Clever Home Office Decor Ideas

Relaxing Clever Home Office Decor Ideas (Photo 5 of 10)

There are home office decorating tips that you should apply to get a better home office with all better aspects. First, you should not ignore walls and floor too much. This tips comes with its focus on how you should concern more on your home office’s walls and floor. You should treat the walls well such as painting the walls with fresh paints and hang some wall arts, or create comfortable setting for your feet by placing some rugs.

Third one is pay attention more on your lighting. You should apply the main lighting such as chandeliers and then add some task lightings such as desk or table lights, floor lamps, wall lamps and other lights which you may need for better illumination. Furthermore, this kind of layered lighting is needed to enhance your work.

Last one of tips is concern your storage. In a home office, all important files and stuff should be stored neatly so that you cannot merely store all of those things haphazardly. For this, for the files or stuff that you may need daily, store near your work desk and for other less important things, you can keep it in your cabinet behind your work desk. You should only need to store all things organized with functional storages.

Description: Home office decorating tips; concern more on walls and floor, buy comfortable instead of good looking furniture, apply layered lighting and opt for organized storage.