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Photo Gallery of Shopping for Silver Bed Designs Online

Explore Photo of Leopard Silver Bed

Leopard Silver Bed

Leopard Silver Bed (Photo 8 of 10)

If you are looking for a wide variety of silver bed designs online, then you can try Wayfair. This is one of the most complete bedroom furniture online shops. In fact, there are almost forty silver beds available in this online shop. The prices range from $ 117 to $ 3200. Some of them are also on discount so if you want to buy, now is the time to shop.

Most of the silver bed designs available in the shop are made of different metals. There are the ones made of stainless steel and there are some that are made of aluminum. If you are living in the minimalist home concept, then you can find simple platform bed which is also very economical. In fact, it is among the lowest priced ones. It is quite durable, but it is comfy. However, for those of you prefer the ones that can create the vintage vibe, you can simply choose another metal bed made of wrath iron.

If you are looking for silver bed designs for extra beds for the guest bedrooms, then you can try the folding ones. The folding bed is easy to store when it is not used, but at the same time it is also very easy to unfold when you have more guests in the house. This folding bed is not very comfortable for long term or permanent bedding furniture, though.

Should you be looking for a unique bed, you can also find a rocking bed as one of the silver bed designs. The frames are made of stainless steel and instead of four feet to hold the bed, it has two oval wheels on each side of the bed so that the bed can rock but does not topple. However, for those of you wanting elegance, then you can choose the silver upholstered bed.