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Photo Gallery of The Types of Dining Room Table Legs

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Unique Type of Legs Table

Unique Type Of Legs Table (Photo 7 of 10)

There are different dining room tables legs for the antique and the brand new ones. However, these tables legs are to be used for their functions as well as the styles. They can be used to simplify as well as exaggerate the shape of the legs. Before being able to identify the table leg, one must also have to understand the basic parts. The top of the table leg is called the knee. The bottom part of the leg may have a secondary shape which is distinct and it is called the foot. Not every leg has a foot, though. And then, there is the ankle which is located just above the foot.

There are the straight round shaped dining room tables legs. The Bauhaus tables usually have such legs. White the Tapered round legs are sometimes capped with metal ferules in the foot area. These are common in the Mid Century Modern dining tables as well as the Art Deco. There is also the hairpin leg which is also common for the Mid Century modern tables.

There is also another type of tables legs, the turned legs or the baluster leg or the spindle leg. There are usually numerous sections of the legs which are separated by the horizontal grooves. Although the overall shape o this leg is round, but the sections are often squared. The example of such dining room tables legs would be at the English tavern table legs.

There are the grooves and ridges dining room tables legs. The fluted legs are usually closely shaped which are common in the Hepplewithe furniture. For the receded legs are often found in the Sheraton furniture. Another type would be the curved and scrolls. They may be plain or carved. S cabriole is the example of the table legs.

Description: There are different types of dining room tables legs. Each of these legs consists of different parts such as the ankle, the knee and an additional but optional foot.