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Bold and Fresh Living Room Color for 2016

Bold And Fresh Living Room Color For 2016 (Photo 8 of 10)

The existence of living room in a home is very important as it will be the first part inside your home that people may see. Afterwards, colors of a home are as important as the existence of living room. It cannot be denied that the selection of colors of a home will influence the whole nuance and feel of the home. Talking about living room and colors, there are many great 2016 living room color trends that you can choose.

Choosing the right color for your living room is very important to make your whole home looks beautiful. You have to know that a beautiful home will make the home itself feel comfortable, so you can stay at your own home comfortably. Color trends for a living room in 2016 are very interesting to be tried as some of the colors have bold and bright style. These color trends will make your home looks strong and brave yet still warm and lovable.

Even though white is always great for everyone because of its versatility, in 2016 you can try light colors as the living room paint color schemes. You can try colors like blue, green, orange, yellow, maroon, red, etc. Besides that, you can also use wallpaper with floral patterns. You should know that there is no prohibition for you to combine one and another color to make your living room looks more attractive. Yet, you should convince that the colors will be mixed well.

In addition, bold and bright colors will be better to be combined with other neutral colors as making the room with only one bold or bright color will make the room looks boring and too-striking. You have to remember that all you need to do is to choose striking colors, but not make your living room looks too-striking. Overall, if you want to make your living room and, of course, your home looks attracting the 2016 living room color trends will work for you.