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Photo Gallery of Refacing Kitchen Cabinets in Two Easy Steps

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Practical Small Kitchen Design Layout

Practical Small Kitchen Design Layout (Photo 9 of 10)

Refacing kitchen cabinets with DIY project? Is it difficult or not? Impossible or possible? Well, you can give the kitchen cabinets a new look without hire a professional. Here are some tips if you want refacing kitchen cabinets in two easy steps.

First step : Before you refacing kitchen cabinets, you should know that refacing cabinets really need specific preparation like skill and your clarity. You should learn the techniques, about install the frames and the doors. Because it’s first step and it’s so important to begin the whole refacing process, you have to be careful to order doors that match the size of the ones youre replacing, rather than just measuring the cabinet openings and adding an inch to create an overlap. So, we can say, preparation is vital thing.

Second step :  Because the hardest part of making a refacing job look neat is trimming the veneer with a utility knife once its in place, it’s better if you can’t do it alone, make sure you have a friend to help you work about it. It will be easier when you’ve finished the frame and installed the doors, but take the note that this second step is really need a DIY professional skill.

One benefit to reface your kitchen cabinet is you will save your money instead of buying the new kitchen cabinets. Its amazing what a little veneer and some new doors can do to brighten an aging space. But once again, remember to still work carefully when you do the whole refacing process. We totally hope refacing kitchen cabinets in two easy steps like those tips above can help you much and you will love the new result of your kitchen cabinets. Good luck and enjoy the new look!