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Photo Gallery of Room Dividers & Decorative Screens Ideas

Explore Photo of Room Dividers and Privacy Screens – Over 1,500 Unique Styles Available Throughout Room Dividers & Decorative Screens Ideas

Room Dividers and Privacy Screens – Over 1,500 Unique Styles Available Throughout Room Dividers & Decorative Screens Ideas

Room Dividers And Privacy Screens – Over 1,500 Unique Styles Available Throughout Room Dividers & Decorative Screens Ideas (Photo 6 of 12)

The effect that a room divider screen will have on your room shouldn’t be underestimated. They a large pieces furniture but have a very small footprint and therefore almost every home would have enough space to squeeze one in. But why would you want to?

If your home is looking drab and a little tired then maybe you should think about sprucing it up, before reading this article you may have thought that the best way to do this would be to give it a lick of paint, or refresh the floor by laying some new carpet. All of the aforementioned things are not only costly but also higher effort. A room screen however could be the perfect piece of furniture that you’re are looking for – a room screen will transform any room that it is put in to and here’s why:A room screen divider is a large piece of furniture and as such demands a lot of attention, when you walk in to a room the first you thing you will probably notice would be the screen. This is helped by the fact that the screen is at eye level when you are stood and reaches all the way down to the floor, so you will notice it when seated as well.

There is a vast array of room screens out there, they range from the being modern and clean lined all the way through to being similar in style to the ancient Chinese type. Regardless of the current style of your interior you will be able to find one to suite you interior taste.

As well as the designs and colours of room screens you also get different materials – if you’ve got a small and dark room you would be well advised to opt for a screen that is light in colour and allows light to pass through it. A larger, lighter room will happily accommodate a solid screen.