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Simple Ceiling Paint Ideas

Simple Ceiling Paint Ideas (Photo 6 of 10)

The ceiling is one of the large surfaces in the house beside the flooring and the walls. Thus, you should never underestimate the ceiling and its paint just because it is one of the surfaces that we do not often see. You may need some ceiling painting ideas before you decide on which ceiling paints that would be the most suitable for you.

When people think of the ceiling paint, then most o them would automatically think of white. White is the most neutral ceiling painting ideas, thus it is the easiest one to combine with the other decorations in the room. White is the perfect color to match different interior designs such as the rustic, modern and minimalist architecture. In the rustic style, the most paints would be the lighter ones. In the modern and minimalist architecture where simplicity has become the main attraction, there is nothing more minimalist than white.

White ceiling painting ideas is the safest choice. Not only that the color is perfect with different designs, it is also the color that will match different patterns and decorations happening below. Do not worry if you think that you do not have choices just because white is the most sensible color. There are so many different white shades that can be chosen. There would be the white, and there are hundreds of other whites being combined with a hint of different colors such as gray, green, blue, yellow, etc. These shades would give you a little bit of other color that would match your other colors in the room better as it is just a few shades lighter than white.

You can also use the ceiling as a canvas where you want paintings to be placed. Of course the ceiling painting ideaswould be so much more difficult to maintain and the initial investment would be so much more than painting it white, but try to stick with the lighter colors.

Description: There is the most neutral color to choose as the most common ceiling painting ideas, it is the color white. But you can be bold instead by placing paintings on the ceiling.