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Classic White Storage Cabinet for Elegant Bathroom

Classic White Storage Cabinet For Elegant Bathroom (Photo 16 of 20)

Bathroom storage is about being able to create more space than you think you have. There are a lot of different ways to add more storage space to your current bathroom. Why would anyone want to do this? Well, the same reason why you would buy extra cabinets and drawers for your clothes. We need places to put all of our items from towels, extra toilet paper, to the hair dryer. There just doesn’t ever seem to be enough room for everything. Here are some storage ideas that my help you out.

The first is the most common which is to buy some bathroom storage cabinets. These can be of any size and can be attached to different spots around the bathroom. You can get them in all sorts of colors to match any décor you may have. Since you may already have something like this, how about some other ideas to make the most out of the space that is currently empty. One thing you can do is utilize the corner of your bathroom. You can buy a corner rack that will fit right into that empty space and store your towel perhaps.

You can buy drawers that will pull out as a towel hanger. If you don’t have a lot of floor space, do what people do in cities with a large population, build high buildings. In this case you will want to buy some tall bathroom storage furniture that will make the most use of the air space that you have. You can add some extra shelves on those empty walls to store different items. How about the spot behind your toilet? You can buy one of those bathroom storage units that you can assemble and slide right over your toilet.

There are actually a ton of different things you can do. You can buy boxes, racks, dividers, or even create a compartment in your wall. By having more places to put all of your bathroom items, you will be able to make it look a little less messy. Just don’t go overboard. A bathroom filled with cabinets, shelves and drawers can look really stuffy. You will want to choose some sort of balance.

Laundry Room Storages

Laundry day: To some, it’s a day where they finally get to wash and clean their clothes. For them, it’s a joyous moment. To others, it’s just another boring chore. Whether you like it or not, cleaning your laundry is something that you must do. In order to make it less of a hassle, you will want to make sure your laundry room is kept organized and clean. It just doesn’t make sense to clean your clothes in a dirty and messy looking room. For this to be easy, you will need some type of laundry room storage. There are a lot of different types of storage products you can buy so let’s take a look at a few of them.

One thing you will need is a place to put things like your detergent, bleach, and fabric softeners. What you use to store these things will depend on how your laundry room is set up. If all you have is basically your washer and dryer, then you will need to install some sort of laundry room storage unit. If you have a small room, then what you can do is install some basic shelves. These can be simple floating shelves you can get at any hardware store for under $50 and attach to the wall with some brackets.

If you need more space for things such as towels and bed sheets for example, then you may want to get laundry room storage cabinet. These cabinets are made for room with a little bit more size. Although, if you have enough wall space above your washer and dryer, that will work as well. You can get these laundry room storage cabinets in various sizes as well as colors. Many of them will come with a hanging rod for you to hang dresses and shirts as well. This can be convenient if you do your ironing in your laundry room.

You have a choice of standing cabinets, over the washer cabinets, shelves, drawers, and even racks. What you get depends on the size of your room as well as what you plan on storing there. The bigger your laundry room is the more options you will have. If you don’t really have much room to install anything due to having no wall space, then what you can also do is get a cart where you can easily store your items. You can buy laundry room storage products online for a couple of hundred dollars for the cabinets and shelves. Some smaller and simpler ones can run under $100.

Since you have to do your laundry every week anyway, walking into a room that is organized and neat will make laundry day a little less of a hassle. If you have an awkward room where the walls and the spacing makes it hard to find anything standard that will fit, then you can also get custom laundry room storage products to better fit your needs. You can also find and buy these online.