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Modern Living Room Stylish Room Decoration

Modern Living Room Stylish Room Decoration (Photo 7 of 10)

Make it stylish and comfortable in a friendlier way. That is what most people think of the rustic home decor. No wonder this decoration has become so popular. Moreover, the rustic decoration styles can be incorporated into so many different styles such as the cottage, country, vintage as well as western. The mixture of rustic and the other style would make them even more unique and rich.

Start your rustic home decor by painting the walls. Choose the rustic colors of soft colors or earth tones. The earth tones include different shades of tans, greens, and browns. These colors can make the rustic style looks warmer than those of the lighter shades from the other colors. However, some rooms may need cleaner looks with white colors. Those rooms are kitchen and bathrooms. However, you need to ensure that the rustic look will have its continuity to the areas with different colors.

For a more rustic feel, you need to give the accent to the room. The accent can be with rough hewn trim. If your room already has a trim but not the one that is expected of the rustic home decor, then you can strip of the paint then roughen up the surface by using sandpaper. Then you need to repaint it with dark earth tone so that it will create contrast to the wall color.

The furniture can be of the soft colors to enhance the rustic home decor, but it can also be in the dark deep hue so that it will contrast with the muter earth tone walls. However, most of the scheme should at the same earth tones, even though it can be darker too. In order to make the room feels more alive and not boring; you can use some contrasting colors only for limited decoration items.

Description: Creating the rustic home decor would certainly make the room looks so fresh and comfortable. Moreover, it can also be incorporated with different styles too.