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Photo Gallery of Choosing the Most Suitable Headboard Designs

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Wooden Suitable Headboard Designs

Wooden Suitable Headboard Designs (Photo 3 of 10)

There are numerous headboard designs available in choosing the perfect one for you would start with determining the proper headboard size. Just like the size of the bed, there are also 5 types of sizes for the headboards. These are the fixed standard size of width, but there are not specific standards for the height. The width would be starting from twin with at least 38 inch wide, double with at least 54 inch wide, queen with at least 60 inch wide, king with at least 76 inch wide and California King with at least 72 inch wide.

The materials of the headboard designs are also quite varied. The most common one is the upholstered. There are different materials chosen for the upholstered headboards. Among the materials are velvet, fabric and leather. There would be some added padding beneath the materials to provide extra comfort when leaning against the headboard. There are plain upholstered headboards, but there are also the ones with buttons.

The next most common headboard designs would be the ones with wood. This traditional material comes in different shades and patterns, depending on the kind of woods and finishing being used. The raw wooden material is often chosen because of the rise in popularity of the rustic style and the style mostly uses the unfinished look woods. The headboard can also be use by mounting it to the metal bed frame.

The last headboard designs material is metal. The metal headboards come from different types of metals. There are stainless steel headboards, brushed aluminum, brass as well as wrought iron. They are extremely durable and are the most durable one compared to the others. They are perfect for different look from the vintage look of the antique or distressed ones to the most contemporary ones with sleek and minimalist designs.

Description: There are different types of headboard designs according to the materials being used. Among the most common materials are upholstered, wooden, and metal headboards.