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Coffee Table from Reclaimed

Coffee Table From Reclaimed (Photo 4 of 10)

Reclaimed wood coffee table will be a very nice idea if you want your coffee table look great like the new one. But ofcourse there are some considerations you should carefully before reclaimed wood coffee table. Here are some tips and tricks :

First, be sure the wood is dry. All you need for reclaimed wood coffee table is three pieces of wood, some wood glue, some table legs and tenons. Hammer, vice grips to remove nails, a circular saw, a rubber mallet, sander and a mortiser also become important guns you should have. And don’t forget if you can do it alone make sure you ask some friends (one or two friends) to help you reclaimed the wood coffee table.

Don’t forget to clean the wood. Sander and saw are so useful to clean the wood to look clean and totally new again. Vice grips also will remove nails completely, make sure you totally clean the dirty flakes of the wood.

You should know the whole reclaimed process like when you will join the table together, sand the surfaces and install the legs. For the legs itself, it’s up to your taste to pick the best legs but we recommend the strong legs from branded furniture stores company like Ikea. The best legs not only come with simple line but there are some of legs come with unique shape and line.

Now it’s time to begin the whole reclaimed wood coffee table process! If you prepare the whole items and ready to begin it, we totally sure you will get the best result for your wood coffee table! Not only that, you will feel enjoy to use your own wood coffee table everyday in your home, congratulations!