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Mixed Grow Cilantro in Pot

Mixed Grow Cilantro In Pot (Photo 9 of 10)

Cilantro is a famous plant in Mexico. It is the Spanish word for Coriander leaves. While coriander refers to the entire plant when it has flower and seeds, cilantro is the vegetative stage of coriander. Cilantro is commonly used in Mexican cooking, where people combined it with chilies to be added in salsas or guacamoles. Cilantro is double sided plant as some people like it and others hate it. If you love cilantro you should learn how to grow cilantro as well.

Growing cilantro is simple. You can choose whether growing it in the garden or in the pot. How to grow cilantro in seed? Watch out for the weather. In tropical climates, cilantro grows better in dry seasons and gets the proper sunlight. Cilantro can be grown in warmer climates such as in late summer. The thing is it grows fast. You need to plant new seeds every 3 weeks. You also need to give proper distance, for example 6 to 8 inches apart. Prevent the overcrowding by pulling the weaker cilantro and let the robust ones grow. It is a good strategy on how to grow cilantro in the garden.

How to grow cilantro when we use pot as the media? We need to choose 18 inches wide and 8 to 10 inches deep of pots. They have strong root when they are full grown. The pots also need to have draining soil. You can give some fertilizer and water the soil in the pot until it is damp, but not soggy. Place your cilantro in the position where it gets the sunlight. It will grow in 7 to 10 days.

The last thing is how to harvest cilantro. You can harvest the cilantro whenever it is 4 to 6 inches tall. Cut 2/3 of the leaves in a week so the plant can grow other leaves. One pot can harvest four crops of cilantro. You can cut in two or three more cycles. Use new shoots to cook as the older shoot taste bitter. If you let the leaves grow, it will produce a flower and you will get coriander seeds. However, you will not get any fresh cilantro shoots anymore. This how to grow cilantro review is so simple and can be applied by everybody.

Description: How to grow cilantro is simple. You only need to give some fertilizer and cut the leaves when it has 6 inches tall. Let the flower grow and you will get coriander seed.