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Photo Gallery of Beautiful Fun Home Decor Design Ideas

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Decoration of House

Decoration Of House (Photo 3 of 10)

“Home sweet home” is what we must have in our home. We can do many things to create the “Home Sweet Home”. Well, many designers have showed us many beautiful home decorations, and we can try doing by your hand job. Do it by yourself then you will be more satisfied. However, you will need little bit inspiration to create it. You may have the inspirations from the Fun Home Decor design ideas that we have. The beautiful decoration of the fun home promises you to get such a brilliant idea to decorate your own house.

The first wonderful Fun Home Decor is from Basement Bar decoration. This wonderful basement bar is brought by Kitchen Encounters and it was designed and organized perfectly by designer. It looks so fun and sweet. It is so wonderful with the beautiful funny countertop in the kitchen. Unique balls accent looks so cute and funny. On the other hand, the childish color for the cabinet and the backsplash also brings the kitchen to be funny kitchen design. Who does not love this kitchen?

Let’s move to the East Village Penthouse. This wonderful village penthouse is designed by Turett Collaborative Architects from New York. This wonderful unique home decor penthouse has such a beautiful living space with the elegant wall, stairs and kids game area. Let’s talk about the unique wall decoration. The wall decoration looks so smooth and calm with the beautiful neutral accent. We cannot difference between the wall and floor. This Fun Home Decor seems so wonderful.

Meanwhile, for the kids game area brings us to have the comfortable kid’s area for playing. Yes, the beautiful jump down for the kid’s game area looks so fun in this space. Cool home decor is designed safety for the kids by adding the elegant mattress on the floor down. Looking at the stairs, it is simple designed from the wooden for the steps and the elegant pipe for the holder stairs. It is very unique and beautiful Fun Home Decor. Do you want to have some more beautiful collection of the fun home?