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Photo Gallery of Installing Wainscoting Correctly

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New Jersey Wainscoting America Paneling Ideas

New Jersey Wainscoting America Paneling Ideas (Photo 5 of 10)

Wainscoting for your wall or bathroom should add more wonderful look. Your wall will not only be protected but also enhanced as well. That is why installing wainscoting should be in the right steps to see the wall more charming by correctly installing wainscoting panels. There are some steps you can do. Correct installing will make the time of the installing process more efficient and also for the budget. It has cleaner finish too.

Installing wainscoting should be started by measuring the linear footage of your room. The total number should be known first. After you measure the room, then the result is divided by the width of the panels. This will work well if you can divide it in feet. This is easy and you can perform it by yourself. You just need the gauge, papers and pen to note and divide. The result will be used for you to buy the right size of the wainscoting. So, make it right.

After you have measure, then the next step for installing wainscoting is removing any base of molding. This is for the netter molding process during the installation of the wainscoting. So, make it clean. The leaner you remove the base molding, it can make the next molding process is better and can have a longer life. Then establish the level line for the panels in top.

The last step of installing wainscoting is locating the wall studs. Then mark them lightly above the level line you have made. This will make the right installation finish. This installation is also work for any rooms that will be paneled with wainscoting. For installing wainscoting bathroom, the only difference is about the design and ideas of the wainscoting. For bathroom, there is special wainscoting that is made and designed for bathroom. It resists to water and wetness.

Description: Installing wainscoting should be performed correctly to get a better finish and sure more beautiful appearance of the wainscoting and it makes the wall is displayed well.