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Photo Gallery of Exotic Dark Marble Floor Living Room

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Living Room with Dark Wood Floors

Living Room With Dark Wood Floors (Photo 1 of 8)

Dark marble floor is indeed so fancy andexoticwhich works well for creating a cool and shiny surface in your living room. Dark marble floors are also loved for those who love elegance and modernity but thanks to its high flexibility and versatility, these kinds of floorings are suitable for any living room style. Still, you should know the advantages and disadvantages further so that you know what you are into.

Dark marble floor is so durable not only from appearance but literally, it is so durable and that is a fact. Dark marble flooring is created from the high quality stone which cannot be cracked or chipped easily. Then, for those who may put large and heavyfurniturein their living rooms do not have to worry because the marble flooring will not be damaged easily and for that this stone flooring lasts so long. Furthermore, when you want to

Others, dark marble floor is so fancy and superior in appearance which will define the beauty in your living room. You can find this flooring comes with its various motifs and accents which mean that you are provided with many rich options which are all so luxurious. Furthermore, this flooring is easy to maintain because you only need to use vacuum cleaner to get rid the dirt and dust and then simply mop the floor daily.

But still, dark marble floor also comes with some disadvantages which you should consider first whether you can go with that or not because once you install it, and then it cannot be removed immediately. First is the expensive price which requires you to prepare extra money so that this flooring is not suitable for your budget friendly living room remodeling project. Other, its surface will be so cool or freezing exactly when winter comes.