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Photo Gallery of 15 Best Shag Rugs Decor Ideas

Explore Photo of Deluxe Contemporary Gray Bedroom with Shag Rug

Deluxe Contemporary Gray Bedroom with Shag Rug

Deluxe Contemporary Gray Bedroom With Shag Rug (Photo 2 of 15)

No, this is not an article from the 1970’s. You obviously have not updated yourself on the latest home décor, shag rugs. That is right. Shag rugs. It does not matter if they are shag area rugs or full wall-to-wall shag. They are so beautiful and they add such charm to your abode. It is not as if you are going to walk into a house and see one every day. They are unique. We do not know about you but we like our home to stand out from other homes. A shag rug can create that ‘wow’ factor and enhance your setting.

New to this, and not quite sure how to begin your search? We sure you do not have any idea of what specific shag designs are out there. You are not alone. Have some fun with it! Decorating is all about expression and what could be more fun than that? Maybe you would like to start by looking at a rug that fits the present. The Anji Mountain Bamboo Shag rug is designed just for your modern sense of style. This rug’s signature is a lushful pile of shag but it is woven using a creative bamboo and cotton blend. That blend makes for a softer feel than the original brown and white shag rugs your grandmother had in her house. Do not deny it.

For your sense of style, consider the leather shag rug. Yes, leather. You can find sultry leather shag in runners and rounds with endless designer colors to choose from. These loaded suede leather shag rugs, come in runners, rectangles, and rounds adding a quiet opulence to any interior decoration. Suede leather in shag made it on the scene a few years back. They have a soft feel combined with the look of leather making them quite popular.

Cotton is always an option, also. The nice thing about cotton is that it does not tend to build up static easily. Static electricity can be annoying. That quality alone has made cotton quite popular among shag rug choices. It is a traditional material but it still makes a beautiful area shag. The shapes, colors, and designs are endless.

We should mention that shag rugs need delicate care. Their pile typically is more difficult to clean as compared to regular rugs. You should keep a routine cleaning schedule to keep your shag rug looking beautiful day in and day out.