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Photo Gallery of Country Living Room Decor for Warm and Nostalgic Nuance

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Updated Country Living Room with Navy Sofa

Updated Country Living Room With Navy Sofa (Photo 4 of 18)

Country living room furniture is reminiscent of all things pleasant, warm and nostalgic. The countryside is exemplified by simplicity, beauty, nature and warmth. It contrasts greatly with the chrome and steel city life and urban alienation. However, for those of us who must live in the city, there is no reason why we cannot replicate some of the warmth of the countryside with the furniture in our living rooms.

Living rooms are a place of recreation and relaxation, and should, therefore, reflect upon what we consider to be relaxing and pleasing. Country living room furniture is for those who yearn for the countryside. It is for those who love to escape into the feeling which only countryside goodness can bring about.

The living room is also a place where we entertain our guests, and where we spend quality time with our families. Therefore, this room, more than any other room, reflects on our person. Country living room furniture is characteristic of a warm, inviting feeling. The room should look very homely and cozy, and should feel inviting. Far from the more urbane, minimalistic approach, countryside living rooms are, more than anything else, inviting and comfortable.

Wood is something which is most widely used for the country living room furniture. Instead of being made into sleek, minimalistic designs, countryside furniture is usually large, homely, and comforting. Neutral colours are usually offset with colourful, cheerful patterns. The floral print is very typical of country living room furniture, and should be used liberally for a living room inspired by the same.

The room should look cozy, and the furniture should be placed so as to bring about such a feel to the room. Big, ornate cabinets can be placed in the room in order to inspire a more countryside feeling. The checkered pattern is also very common, and should therefore, be used strategically so as to not overwhelm the room with patterns while still being reminiscent of the countryside.

There is no reason for country living room furniture to not reflect certain sophisticated touches. A centre table, a few lampshades and good carpeting can always bring about touches of elegance, but overall, the countryside prides itself on comfort based living décor, so make sure your living room is filled with furniture that is not just cozy, but also comfortable.

The urban edge enters with other accessories such as the television set, the sound-system, the lighting, and other such touches, but make sure the room looks inviting and bright at all times. The lighting should not be glaring, but it should not be too dim either. Countryside furniture is always bright and cheerful.

Make sure the upholstery on your sofa and chairs aim at perfecting that effect. There are many antique stores which sell furniture which is inspired by the countryside décor. Raiding these stores is a good idea and these pieces of furniture add more character to any room. Be sure to select rustic, homely furniture which is bright and welcoming.