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Photo Gallery of On the Go With a Portable Wardrobe Closet

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Online Get Cheap Portable Closets -aliexpress | Alibaba Group Pertaining to on the Go with a Portable Wardrobe Closet

Online Get Cheap Portable Closets  Aliexpress | Alibaba Group Pertaining To On The Go With A Portable Wardrobe Closet (Photo 10 of 27)

One of the perks of traveling for business is getting to stay in a different city every night. Yet this also means you get to deal with a different bedroom in a different hotel with a different closet every night. Well, the first two are true, but not the last one!

About 6 months ago I bought what’s known as a portable wardrobe closet. In this time, this cleverly designed mobile storage closet has become a necessity to me on par with my purse and my cell phone! How is that possible? Wait, what exactly is a portable storage closet anyway? And how do you take it with you traveling?

First of all I should say that not all portable closets are fit for traveling. Most are just good for being portable insofar as easily moving them about one home or another, usually by just pushing them as most are equipped with wheels. But not all wardrobe closets are portable, and not all portable closets are created equal! In my case, I needed something that could be broken down and easily built back up again.

In fact, that is the key to why my system works. In every hotel room I go to, I unpack my suitcase and within 5 minutes I have my wardrobe closet built back up into shape. Now it might sound like more work to do it this way rather than just the hotel closet, but I definitely prefer my own portable wardrobe closet now that I’m used to it. Why? First of all, because I know where everything is. Second of all, mine has a lock on it, so I don’t have to worry about any kind of privacy issues from the hotel cleaning staff. Third, I will never leave a $500 women suit in the hotel closet again after checking out, only to have the hotel supposedly lose it. If you use a portable closet, you will always know where your stuff is, you can protect it, and you will never forget it.

Those three reasons are why I’ve become so attached to having my own portable storage closet! While you might think you don’t need one, I bet if you got it a try you’d see how convenient and affordable it is to have one for yourself if you live a life on the road, like I do!