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Purple Rug Colors for Contemporary Living Room Decor

Purple Rug Colors For Contemporary Living Room Decor (Photo 8 of 10)

In the world of flooring, there are a lot of different things that you can do to help make your home looking more stunning as well as inviting. A simple rug in a room can actually make a huge difference in the look and feel of the room. Rugs decoration can make any home look a lot more beauty and attractive.

If you are looking for a way to upgrade the look of your living room, then one of the best ways to do so is to buy rugs. The rugs describe the designs and taste of the modern and luxury. Of course, when it comes down to taste, it’s really all about what your preference is. However, there are a couple of things you will want to consider when getting a rug for your space. There are some rugs that will just work better than others depending on the décor of your room.

A rug can be made of different materials such as wool, cotton, and polypropylene. These types of materials make them easy to clean. You will want to pick the rug for your space based on a couple of different things. The first is foot traffic. If you are going to use this in a room that gets a ton of foot traffic, then you will want to get a material that is very durable and is easy to clean. Getting ones that aren’t durable and are hard to clean will only cause you to have to replace it more often than you should.

Another consideration is the size of the rug. This will largely depend on the size of your room. You can use area rugs to help give your room a certain look. If you have a small room, certain rugs can make it appear a little bigger. The design and pattern of the rug is important as well since this will also affect how your room looks. There are certain borders that will work better than others. Even the color you choose is important because it can improve or worsen the overall look of your room.

Whether you are looking for wool rugs, round rugs, or any other type of rug in this category, you can find them online. There are many different designs to choose from as mentioned so you won’t have a problem finding one that will go well with your room. Just remember that what you choose will have an affect on the look of your room. Rugs with large patterns in a small room can make the room look small. Rugs with small patterns in a large room can make the room look too busy and cluttered. The price of rugs can really vary depending on different things such as size and material. You should look to spend over $100 for a one that you will be using for your interior space. Although these rugs aren’t cheap, the increase in attractiveness as well as comfort to your home make them worth buying.

Picking the right rug colors and combination can make any home look a lot more beauty and attractive, while the wrong one can make a room feel unfinished or awkward. Because its so tricky, so there are tips from the expert for picking right rug colors for your room decoration.


Earth tones are definite things that won’t go out of fashion. They seem to be in as long as the thirst for the natural is evident in the society. This might be the reason why interior designers usually opt for earth-inspired items such as brown rug. Have you ever noticed that there seems to be no showrooms of interior designs that don’t feature brown items? Whether it is brown rugs or brown tables, there is always something brown in the elements that designs use. This is, of course, especially true of most home designs.

Call it traditional or what, but brown seems to be always present. However, you could easily point out that brown items such as a brown shag rug can be spotted in most modern designs. And as if to denote more versatility for the color, brown is also present even in minimalist themes. In fact, the presence of this color is very much evident since you can find them almost anywhere.

With this, there is no need to doubt what a brown area rug or any other brown item can do for your room. The almost neutral and basic appeal of these items would very much let you experiment on other colors. As a matter of fact, brown rugs can very well negate the adventurous vibe of other loud colors such as purple and yellow. In some instances, it can reinforce a homey feel to any kind of room.

Imagine the use of a chocolate brown rug in the center of a white-themed room. Do you feel that the hue of the rug very much accentuate the purity of white while at the same time giving life to the room? Doesn’t it create a new dimension to the one-colored room? That is a good picture of how brown works wonders.

Those who want to lean on to the more adventurist side of the coin can find a friend in brown rugs. There are two-toned ones coming in as a blue brown rug, orange brown rug, or yellow brown rug that would certainly unleash a fresh attitude to the areas they would be placed.

If you are considering the use of a brown rug, one of the most important factors to take note of is to ascertain that the hue is right for the place. You see, light-colored hues of brown can be calming but they can also be boring when improperly paired with certain colors. Dark-hues, on the other hand, can liven up spaces even if they can also make them more relaxed and gloomy.


Pink is often a happy, bright, and fun color and adds a great touch to any room. There is a fun variety of these rugs to enhance any nursery or girls’ room.

One of the most practical of these rugs is probably the pink area rug. This is the type of rug that you can put in the middle of the room to give it a special touch. Some people will put it next to their child’s crib or bed, and others will put it under a child’s table. Either way, it’s sure to brighten up a room. Another type of rug is the pink shag rug. These rugs look plush and better yet, feel plush underneath your feet. They come in all different materials, such as wool, cotton, acrylic and nylon. These rugs were once popular in the sixties, and have made a comeback!

If you like hot pink, you can even find a hot pink rug! They are sold at almost any Wal-mart, online, the mall and more. A pink and brown color scheme is extremely popular right now, and this would be a perfect way to re-decorate your daughter’s room to be as modern as she is! Also, she can get the pink round rug. Some of these are made into flower shapes, smiley faces, and more. These would be perfect for a nursery or playroom. You can even put these in the bathroom for an extra added touch of pink. If you don’t want something as bold as a smiley face rug but you still want the bold color of pink, you would purchase a pink bath rug. They can come plain, hot pink, or with subtle designs. They can also incorporate sewn patterns in them.

Pink is a fun, bright color. Almost anyone can enjoy the happiness that pink tends to bring out in people. Pink for the crib sheets, walls, tables and more, is a great way to announce the arrival of your baby girl. Pink in your little girl, because it’s her favorite color, gives her a personality all her own. Put a pink rug to add to these rooms, and there’s fun!


Once mixed with the right color combinations, a purple area rug would undoubtedly make your room livelier and ugly. It won’t fail to make the room exude more attitude than it could ever be. As a matter of fact, purple rugs can make a plain-looking room standout.

With some saying that purple is a relaxing color, you are really bound to find these rugs in all parts of the house. A purple shag rug, for instance, can provide any room an air of luxury and class. Anciently known as the color of nobles and aristocrats, purple commands a regal ambiance in every aspect.

Should you find that using purple in your interiors is too much of a deviance, you could always find a way to shout out your sense of freshness. Using a purple bath rug is a great way to spice up the look of your bathroom. You could also go sexy by pairing your oh-so-sensual bath tub with a quality but intricately-designed purple bathroom rug.

As a general rule, the only thing that you should concern yourself about is the way that color-coded items respond to the over-all look of your room. Once you have ascertained that the colors you use do not dramatically and painstakingly contrast each other, you are very much good to go for more experimentation.

Yes, using a purple rug in any kind of room might be considered adventurous. But, don’t forget that you have the power to play it down by mixing it with earth colors, such as brown and dark green. Unless you are making a purple-themed room, don’t hesitate to add a few colors into your design. After all, a little creativity won’t hurt.


The ocean and the sky can make anyone’s day feel peaceful. Soon enough, the natural colors of these nature’s gifts have been transcended to the color blue. It is for this reason that people take interest in using a blue rug in their house.

There is probably no question that blue somehow signifies tranquility. The color may also speak of cleanliness at some point. But whatever the interpretation may be, blue rugs will always be at the eye of a lot of people.

The many hues of blue can very well benefit even the most delicate of all interior designers. As a matter of fact, this rug color is one of the most in-demand on the market. To give you a good inspiration, here are some of the rug types that have turned blue.

A blue-colored area rug is a good choice for those whose bedrooms have areas for sofas. In some cases, this type of rug is used beside the bed to provide a more comfy feel. In other case, this color of area rug is also seen in living rooms. Light blue area rugs are very much a good complement with orange sofas.

Sometimes, texture can very well level up the face of any item. In terms of mats and rugs, blue shags are quite fit to be the focal point of any room. As a matter of fact, a blue-colored shag rug could also make a boy’s room feel more masculine. It could also be the perfect complement to a warm-looking den. The light nature of the color blue would provide a relaxing twist to any brownish or reddish room.

Bathrooms need to exude a sense of calmness and cleanliness. Those who are very particular with the ambiance of their bathrooms can very well use a blue-colored bath rug to somehow transcend water. Blue is also a good choice for rugs that would make the bathroom feel more comfortable and relaxing. You could also use a blue rug to channel a tropical aura in your place of bath.

A blue rug has extensive purposes and benefits. The interior designer in you won’t have a hard time fitting it to your very own abode. Should your imagination fail you, don’t hesitate to look at modern interior designing pictures available on the Internet, and from a lot of published materials such as books and magazines. Take the time and you’ll surely get the benefits of tranquil blue rugs.