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Photo Gallery of 15 Best Sisal Rugs Decor Ideas

Explore Photo of 10×14 Neutral Brown Sisal Rug for Living Room Area

10×14 Neutral Brown Sisal Rug for Living Room Area

10×14 Neutral Brown Sisal Rug For Living Room Area (Photo 13 of 15)

So you want a new area rug for your living room and/or den, but you do not want anything wool because you either have allergies, want something made naturally, or you just want to try something different than get a wool rug like every other house on the block. Well why not try out a sisal rug and make a nice spot or key focal point in any room. Sisal rugs are made purely from sisal, which is an agave plant with hard fibers, so this is 100% natural, straight from Mother Earth herself.

The great thing about having a rug made from sisal fibers is just for the fact that the material is all natural and the finished product is just as customizable as any wool rug out there on the market. Usually, sisal is used to make twine, but has been discovered as great floor coverings in Africa, therefore it has been adapted as a normal piece of home décor all over the world. You can get these rugs customized with tribal designs or even traditional European designs. If you are looking for a bold decoration, why not try a sisal rug with borders? A dark border will make the inner parts of the rug stand out more and you will surely turn heads as they walk by the targeted room.

Now that you are considering getting some sisal rugs for your home, now you must consider sisal rug care and how to keep your rug(s) long lasting. If some sort of liquid is spilled or accidentally dropped onto your rug, be sure to clean it up immediately by placing a quick absorbing cloth and gently dabbing the area with it as the fibers in the rug naturally absorb moisture. Even if your rug looks clean after a couple of days, it would be a good idea to vacuum it since there are pieces of dirt and dirt particles that are not visible to human eyes that can, in time, damage your naturally beautiful rug.

There are a many different colors and styles that you can get. You will want to look for them in the stores if you have never had one before. This way, you will be able to see first hand how they look and feel. If you already know how these rugs are like, then you will probably want to look for them and buy them online since you will be able to see a greater range of variety. The price will depend on what you get as well as the size and quality. You should be able to quickly eliminate the ones that aren’t in your price range pretty quickly online though. The bottom line is if you want something different, something natural, then you should definitely look into getting a beautiful sisal rug for your home. Not only will it brighten up the room, it will add a bit of exotic elegance and sophistication to your entire household. So take a plunge and do something out of the ordinary; spare a sheep its wool and try one of these all natural rugs out.