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Traditional Living Room Remodel to Formal Nuance

Traditional Living Room Remodel To Formal Nuance (Photo 12 of 14)

Formal living room ideas should bring elegance and beauty. You can launch an intimate conversation in the living room if it comes in comfortable design. The people who live in a condo or apartment can redecorate their living room if it looks too casual and boring. If you have a lot of business associates, you need to pick the formal style in the living room. The living room is just ideal for the company meeting. You can enjoy a formal conversation here without feeling too tacky. Make sure that the pieces used in the living room look expansive and upscale.

You do not need to expense a lot of money. You can go with affordable items sold in various garage stores in town. You can pick the intricate furniture with wonderful wood carved craftsmanship. Paint the pieces in dark brown color. formal living room ideas are associated with elegant and opulent fabric. You can shop for a rich fabric made in satin, silk or even leather to make the room pop. If you do not like with dark chocolate brown color to define the upholstery on your sofa, you can choose other interesting elegant colors of maroon, wine red, indigo, or hunter green or royal blue.

The formal living room is always preoccupied with dark color. But if your living space is too small, you can paint the wall in light or pastel shades. You can pick off white or gray to present the formality. If you like to set a new theme in the room, you can go with Tuscan or even Victorian living room design to make it the room decorative and formal. You can set some wing back chairs since they can signify formal style. The accessories like gold patterned mirror and wrought iron sconces on the wall can express formal living room ideas.