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Photo Gallery of French Country Counter Stools Decor for Your Kitchen

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Top French Country Counter Stools : Understand the Various French Throughout French Country Counter Stools Decor for Your Kitchen

Top French Country Counter Stools : Understand The Various French Throughout French Country Counter Stools Decor For Your Kitchen (Photo 10 of 20)

Kitchen bar stools for a French country décor may be the final touch to giving your room that “je ne sais quoi” flavor it needs. French country counter stools are unique and come in several heights. For example go for classic wood with floral seat cushions with a lavender motif for the traditional air of Provence. Go for light pine and white cushions with bow ties for a touch of French country chic.

Start with something simple and elegant like a Le Mans French Country Stool for under $150, or go all out with an antique French counter stool by Superior Furniture for about $500 to $600. Keep it rustic yet clean white and uncluttered with an armless stool with a rush seat for just $29 from the French Country collection in the Dorchester Counter Stool line.

Go for rich wood and high sculpted backs with the Hillsdale Northern Heights counter stool in black or cherry and add a bit of country with a chicken or rooster motif cushion, a traditional French design. Turn back the clock and try an unfinished Empire Stool by International Concepts that offers a hint of French country in light wood and a rush seat for just over $120. Get the fell of a French country vineyard with Carved Grapes Swivel Bar Stool for about $400 or go ultra minimalist country with a Chestnut rush seat stool that’s simply simple and classic for just under $80. Or escape to the hills of province with the kitchen bar stools in the collection called Hills of Provence from Powell Furniture, that brings the French countryside to life with dark wood and white fabric cushions for $170.

Offer your guests a seat at the counter on French country counter stools and serve up your best cuisine! If you want authentic French stools, stick with pine wood and rush seats or wood painted white with natural seats and floral or white cushions as accents. Decorate using copper or pewter pots and pans, roosters and chickens, lavender or grapes. Add the best of France by placing a marble or wood cheese cutter and platter on the counter and displaying your best Boudreaux or Château in a simple pine or white rack nearby. French kitchen bar stools are just the beginning of being able to have wine tasting parties in your kitchen and offering a little savoir faire at a counter no matter how far from France you may be.