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Contemporary Wood Room Divider with Storage

Contemporary Wood Room Divider With Storage (Photo 14 of 14)

Want something different in your room? A room divider can be a nice way to enhance your décor as well as provide a place for extra storage.Not only can you use your divider as a decoration, you can also store extra stuff behind it!

If you have a big space, the divider can create two cozy rooms from one big space. You can give yourself a cute little dressing area by dividing up your large bedroom You can also use your room divider accent in between a large living room and dining room combo. You can section off the dining area to create an intimate ambiance One great thing about a room divider is if you don’t want to have the small cozy rooms anymore – just fold it up and put it away!

When you have small rooms that need some pizzaz, a room divider has many decorative uses. Putting a room divider in a corner, can add a new dimension to the room. It takes away the harsh angle of the corner and adds interest. Don’t be afraid to put your furniture right in front of the divider no matter how decorative it is. If you have other themed accent pieces, try draping them over the divider. You can even put your divider flush against a wall and it won’t take up any extra room but will add a lot of spice to the décor.

When you choose your room divider be sure to get one that matches your overall decorating theme. Theres many different types and styles to pick from. When you pick your room divider make sure you match it to your room color, theme or design era.

You dont need a fancy room divider plan to make folding screens yourselfthe layout of these dividers is pretty simple.

When deciding on making a room divider, you must first plan on which divider you want to make. There’s 3 basic types of dividers – the folding screen, the flat panel and the hanging curtain.

If plan on building a folding screen style you need to choose the number of panels you want. Typically they have 3, but you can use 4 or more if desired. Figure out what size you want the screen to cover and plan accordingly! It stands on it’s own when the panels are set at slight angles. This room divider is build by making frames for each panel out of wood. Inside the panels you can put whatever you want. Depending on the material in the middle, you may need to work with the frames so that you get a good fit. When you are done, attach the panels to each other using hinges.

Building the one panel divider is pretty easy. Simply make a frame like above except larger since there will only be 1 panel. Then add on some feet. Make sure you plan the size of the feet properly so that the panel doesn’t fall over!

A fabric or beaded room divider panel is a bit harder as it needs to be suspended from the ceiling. This type of divider needs careful planning so that you dont ruin the ceiling. Use hooks or a track. The curtain can slide back on the track or if you use hooks, you can tie it back with a fancy tie back just like a window curtain.