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Cool Tips of How to Make a Dog Bed

Cool Tips Of How To Make A Dog Bed (Photo 1 of 10)

Make a dog bed can be easy. You don’t need to be expert here because anyone can do it as long as they know the right method on how to make it. Even it can be simpler and easier like using pillows. You can follow the tips below for general dog bed design. And you can also perform the ideas as same with the ideas of how to make a dog bed with pillows. So, if you want to use pillow, the following ideas can be still tried. Here are the tips you can do.

To make a dog bed; first is selecting the right material. Material is the first element you should decide. You can you cover fabric and fluffy insert. It is simpler and easier. Ensure that the cover is made of comfortable fabric type and for the insert, choose the softer and smoother one. It really make a dog bed cover to be more comfortable. You can also go with any fabric design and type as the cover and any insert ideas too.

Then, you need to fashion the dog bed. Make a dog bed will not only about the materials of the bed but also how to beautify and fashion the bed. To fashion the bed, you can select decorative fabric design with interesting color as what you want. The cover can be designed, cut and styled with the trendy fashion of the dog bed.

You can also use your pillow. Make a dog bed with pillow can be easier. First you need two pillows and joined it with thread and needle. Join them into one look then make the pillow as the insert. You need to buy the cover or just make it using unused fabric design. This should work well on making the bed for your dog.

Description: Make a dog bed can be easier and nicer when you know the right methods. The ideas above help you in finding the right designs and ideas of the bed even it is by DIY ideas.