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Photo Gallery of Amazing Modern Architecture of the Beautiful House Design

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Awesome Home Exterior

Awesome Home Exterior (Photo 6 of 10)

Are you going to build a house? There are many things that you have to prepare. It is about your budget, it is about your interest, theme and many things. However, the most important is the comfortable house for your family. Therefore, you need great designers and you need to find the great drawers for your house to be. Here are some beautiful Modern Architecture designs that will be brilliant ideas for your house to be.

Beautiful rectangular glass house designed in Modern Architecture by Pennington Philips would be the beautiful ideas for you who are going to build a house. This wonderful Redington Road, Hampstead House brings the concept of the glass living House. However, the combination of the natural elements is also done for this house. It is so beautiful and elegant living space. It is very beautiful and amazing house design.

This Modern Architecture brings the combination between the natural elements and the modern elements. The natural elements of this house appear on some walls made from the natural stone and rock. Post modern architecture looks so beautiful to be the wall design for this house, especially with the beautiful color of the natural stone. Meanwhile for the modern elements is the beautiful metal and glass wall in this beautiful architecture.

Beautiful Bley Sleeping House from A Gruppo Architects also would be such a beautiful house design. The house is very beautiful with the red accent of the wall concept. The front wall is made of the red concrete wall in beautiful rectangular shape. Meanwhile, for the first floor of postmodern architecture is used for the terrace is designed in the open living plan. This beautiful Modern Architecture brings the second and third floor becomes the floating building. This beautiful modern houses designed in modern concept can be your references before building a house.