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Comfortable Bed Combine

Comfortable Bed Combine (Photo 4 of 22)

Before you decide to create your very own version of white bedroom design, you may want to know what white is. White color is not only one single color, but it is the whole color palate. Unlike black, it is not the combination of all those colors in the color palate but white can produce all those colors. That is white can produce so many different effects depending on the room exposure.

So in creating the comfortable white bedroom, you need to be careful, if you are using the wrong shade of white or if the white is exposed to another color, then you may end up with a cold bedroom that is colorless. To make your white bedroom design more interesting, you can actually use same interesting shapes and textures. With these, you can enliven your white bedroom and make the white look livelier with different hues.

Before you can create the white bedroom design, you need to know what you want your bedroom to feel like. Creating a more formal bedroom will involve some cool and bright whites. Adding smooth textures would also help. Or you can choose the shapes with hard edges and angles. Some hotel bedrooms have this look; mostly it is the business hotels. On the other hand, if you want warmer whites, then you can use the softer textures with the similar tone whites.

Even though you want to create white bedroom design, it does not mean that you cannot use any other color in the room. A white bedroom is not always meaning all white bedrooms. There are also some other materials with different color that you can use. The example is soft wooden colors for the beds or other furniture in the room. This combination will increase cozy feeling of the cottage rustic style.