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Simple Painting Exterior Door

Simple Painting Exterior Door (Photo 5 of 10)

One thing that is often misunderstood to be just an easy-to-do is painting exterior door. Most people will just consider it as splashing paint to it and it is all done in such appropriate way. Well, as a matter of fact it is not just that simple. These are several tips that will definitely help you out a bit in repainting exterior door in your house.

In selecting the paint for painting exterior door purpose, be sure to take your time wisely. If it is possible take several swatches of paint home then try to place it on the door and try to imagine its look in those paints. Be sure to take into consideration the tones of the surrounding areas as well. You will also need to think about the look of the tone in all seasons. Aside of the actual color for the exterior door paint, you should also think about the perfect finish for the door itself. There is matte, semi gloss, satin, and also high gloss as the options in paint finish type. Flat finish will not reflect lights while gloss finish is easier to be cleaned. Consider this matter accordingly.

In painting exterior door, be sure to appropriately prepare the area that is the door itself. Cleaning the door is a great way to start the preparation before doing the painting. Eliminate any debris or dust to avoid having bumps on the surface at the end. If you are changing the color from a dark one into a lighter one, be sure to apply a coat of primer first to ensure that the color works well. Las tip is to remember protect everything that will not be painted from any possibility of paint splashes all around. Those are several tips in painting exterior door appropriately.

Description: Painting exterior door is somewhat hard to do. There are several things that might be helpful in doing it. Taking time to choose the color and the perfect finish is one of them.