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Flat Arrange the Towels in Your Bathroom

Flat Arrange The Towels In Your Bathroom (Photo 3 of 10)

Arrangement is important point when you want to set everything clean and neatly in your bathroom. Here are some tips and trick to organize and arrange the towels in your bathroom :

  • You can set the towels in the open-up cabinets but let’s cheer up the room with towels with bright colors. Arrange the colors from the darker ones to the brighter ones. Or if you want to make more attractive look, get patterned towels and arrange them. Once you choose your colors, there are several ways to arrange the towels to add interest to your bathroom space.
  • Besides set the towels in the open-up cabinets, you can make stacking towel bars behind closed doors. It is a great way to remedy the shortage and use space efficiently.
  • Want more different style better than open-up cabinets? Or your bathroom cabinet full with another things like bathroom stuffs? Than maybe you can set bathroom cubbyholes. You can keep the towels neat and accessible with these cubbyhole shelves.
  • What about using towel ladder? Maybe this idea is strange and different but you can make it better by décor the ladder efficiently. Pick ladder with bright color and set the towers. To prevent the ladder from slipping, attach rubber tips made for chair legs to the ladders feet.
  • For easier trick about organize and arrange the towels in your bathroom, you can simply just add hangers in your bathroom. But don’t pick the usual hangers with wire or wooden material, maybe you need the colorful plastic ones for more eye-catching look. These colorful plastic hangers can be the right place for hang your towels. Still remember to pick the big hangers, not the small ones because the small hanger maybe can’t handle your weight of towel.