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Cool Kid Bedroom Designed

Cool Kid Bedroom Designed (Photo 2 of 10)

Are you having twin boys? Lucky you! Having kids can be very interesting especially when it comes to the decoration process of their bedroom, where you can try so many Twin boys Bedroom Ideas and lovely decorations to put in one room. As they’re still kids, it would be so adorable if they share their room together, right? Well, being twins doesn’t mean that they have to be the same all time, as you can try some of these adorable Twin boys Bedroom Ideas which are easy to do.

The first idea of Twin boys Bedroom Ideas that you can try is to have the sailor themed bedroom. This is such an interesting bedroom theme that every little boys would dream about! Imagine having those boat/ship bed, sailor clocks in the wall, sandy rugs with so many sea decorations, animal toys, and surely the sea curtain in the bedroom. Seriously amazing to have with and it they will be amazed to see such interesting design.

Second, you can try the racer Twin boys Bedroom Ideas; either it’s the car race or the motor race all over the bedroom. Choose a road track wall paint and wall sticker, car bed, or simply having the plain wall with the road track flooring or rugs. Make your children feel like they’re having a race everyday! This is such an adorable Twin boys Bedroom Ideas that can also develop their interest into such sporty things.

Last but not the least; it will surely be the soccer Twin boys Bedroom Ideas. If they don’t have their favorite team yet, just put the wall sticker of soccer games or the soccer themed furniture and decorations. They will be having fun with such decorations, so why not? Choose the soccer decorations with certain color theme so it won’t be look like a mess even though you’re putting so many elements into it.