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Photo Gallery of Atlantis Bridge Suite: The Good Place to Live

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Classy Atlantis Bridge Suite

Classy Atlantis Bridge Suite (Photo 5 of 10)

One of the most luxurious options regarding the place to live on a hotel in the world would be the famous Atlantis Bridge Suite. Today it is among the highest hotels in the world in terms of the actual height of course. It is also one of the most costly places to rent in the world. Just to have a stay on a single night in this suite you will have to pay $25,000.

In exchange to that very high cost to pay of course you will get wonderful things that could not be found everywhere else. The ultimate complete panoramic view of the whole resort on the window of this suite is one wonderful thing to get. The exotic feeling of having a suite on a bridge connecting two royal towers is another irreplaceable experience for that expensive cost to pay.

Getting inside the suite there are 10 rooms with extra luxurious interior design having various color tone including red, gold, and black. Those colors combination is really emphasizing luxury at its best. Even there is a nice looking lighting fixture made of 22-karat gold in the front room having 25-square-foot size. If you want to really enjoying the moment of your life then this one is your best choice.