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Photo Gallery of Rustic Western Living Room Interior Decor Style

Explore Photo of Brown and Neutral Western-style Basement with Sectional Sofa

Brown and Neutral Western-style Basement with Sectional Sofa

Brown And Neutral Western Style Basement With Sectional Sofa (Photo 17 of 18)

If you are thinking of improving the way your living room looks then look up Western living room ideas which will instantly spruce up a dull living room by injecting it with an appealing theme and a therefore, consequently, a fun vibe. Themed rooms are always popular and the Western design has always been a great hit with home makers because of its rustic appeal and obvious elegance. Also, it is very easy to incorporate a Western decor into your home, you can be thrifty while you are at it and in this manner, you can make your living room stand out among the other rooms in the house in a cost effective manner.

The usual tenets of Western living room ideas involve chairs and sofas upholstered in warm leather – preferably with studs and a few fringes as well. This is a common feature as you must have noticed with all Western movies. Another good thing about Western living room ideas is that they are rather minimalist, in the sense that they do not allow the room to get crowded. One might argue that Western inspired furniture is anything but minimalist, but by minimalist design we mean that the Western theme installs a few items of furniture in the room – a chunky sofa set, a coffee table and a pedestal lamp – is enough and more for living room decor where this theme is concerned.

Western living room ideas can be implemented in both modern and traditional homes, albeit in different ways. For example,in a traditional home there is space for burnished wood furniture in slightly elaborate designs, whereas, for contemporary and modern decor homes, slimline and minimalist wooden decor with a built in storage space option. Sleek and low lying furniture is the key here.

Natural and earthy tones will dominate the decor, be it in wall paint or wall paper, rugs and carpets or furniture and curtains. Use tones and shades of beige, tan, taupe, brown and rust and complement them with cream or yellow accents to make the best of the decor. For example, your primary wall color can be a deep beige or a rust and you can have cream upholstery or tan upholstery on your sofas.

Western living room ideas also incorporate wall decals in a big way into the scheme of things and once this has been implemented, you can watch how your living room instantly transforms into something unique.

Wall paper or wall murals depicting Western landscapes, replete with cacti and horses, cowboys and lassos can be a part of your living room wall theme. Choose this for one wall as all four walls might look a little overdone. Also, you can think about hanging posters from famous Western movies on your wall, having spur shaped coasters on your table, horseshoes above your door for good luck and other such popular motifs of Western decor scattered all over the living room as part of your Western theme. Distressed furniture is a well loved theme here so buy them from antique stores or garage sales and refurbish them as per requirement.