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Planet Chandelier in Living Room

Planet Chandelier In Living Room (Photo 6 of 10)

A chandelier in living room height will add certain grandeur and elegance to the living room. The sparkle and dazzle of the chandelier is something that will enhance the mood of the living room. However, the presence of a chandelier can easily overpower the room itself as well as the inhabitants of the room, when it is too large. However, when it is too small, it would be too insignificant to create an impact and it would decrease the value of the entire living room.

To have the perfect chandelier in living room height, you need to measure the length as well as the width of the living room. The numbers should be added and then considered thoroughly to compare with the diameter of the chandelier. The ideal measurement of the chandelier would be 2 to 3 inches per foot of the wall height. So, if you have a living room measured at 10 foot high ceiling, 18 feet in length and 16 feet in width, you need a chandelier with the size of 34 inches in diameter.

The next thing to consider for the chandelier in living room height would define the different conversations areas or functions. You can use the table at the center of the room to provide you for the guideline of where you would be installing the chandelier so that it is going to be centered as well. If you are using multiple chandeliers, divide the diameter of the table with the number of the hanging chandelier.

If you are using a rectangular table, then you may need to consider using the rectangular chandelier in living room height. This would be similar for the dining room. This will create the same proportions and make the room look great. The chandelier should be hang in such height the bottom part of it would be no less than 30 inches of the table surface which is directly underneath it.

Description: How do you measure and calculate the chandelier in living room height so that the chandelier can be hung at the perfect height and also with the perfect size.