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Multipurpose Living Room with Playroom

Multipurpose Living Room With Playroom (Photo 1 of 5)

The decoration living room ideas are functional if they come in multipurpose design.   Living room is the main place in the house that people always use to amuse and entertain the guests. If you live in a small space, you can pick the simple and multipurpose decoration. So, the space in the living room is not only great to use for socializing and gathering. You can have it to relax, read books, or even watch movies. The multipurpose style in the living room is more functional since the need for the occupants in the house can be fulfilled easily.

Kids can gather here and play poker with their parents. You can also enjoy the lovely music with your spouse at night. The entertainment space in the room plays significant design. You can use it as the decoration living room ideas. You can decorate with a shelving unit to save your valuable and interesting books and DVD collection. A mounted TV on the wall is great if you like to have home theater. Don’t forget to think about the sound system in the room. The color used to accent the living room can be in neutral shade if you want to make it modern and minimalist.

If you like to enjoy warm feeling when spending time in the room, you can go with warm colors in brown, yellow, orange or red. But make sure that you can pick the second color in soft tone to reduce the overwhelming look. If you like to make the living room comfortable, you can build a small fireplace. It can make your family warm to pass through the winter months. You can set a lounge sofa in front of the fireplace area. To carry romantic mood in decoration living room ideas, you can set a small lamp in soft glow.