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Photo Gallery of Cheap Ways to Improve Your Bathroom

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Seattle Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel | Washington Park Intended for Bathroom Remodel

Seattle Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel | Washington Park Intended For Bathroom Remodel (Photo 4 of 33)

Upgrading your bathroom doesn’t have to cost a fortune. There are lots of different things that you can do to make major improvements without major expenses. Sometimes it takes a different perspective and a little bit of DIY work ethic, but you can certainly bring your bathroom into the 21st century on your own!

The biggest thing that you can do is to look at your bathroom like it’s not yours. Pretend that you’re walking into it for the first time.Look up, down, and side to side to see what your bathroom would look like to a stranger.If it’s outdated, poorly taken care of, or just dirty, note it. What you’ll do is figure out what needs to be taken care of first and make a plan for updating it from there.The first thing that you’ll probably do is give your bathroom a deep clean. This might be enough to bring it back to life. Make sure that you take the globes off of your bathroom light fixtures and give them a deep clean, you’ll probably be surprised by how much crap comes off of them.

If cleaning isn’t enough, the cheapest thing to upgrade first is the accessories. You can have a big impact by changing the shower curtain, towels, towel racks, and rugs to a new and updated look. This can usually be done for well under a hundred bucks if you shop smart.

Next, take a look at the lighting. The light fixtures aren’t tough to upgrade, and almost every weekend warrior can do this job themselves. You’ll get the biggest impact from changing the bathroom vanity light fixtures first. With these lights you can set it up to improve the function of your bathroom as well. They should put off balanced light that isn’t too harsh.

Finally, you should look into upgrading the big things like cabinets, showers, and toilets. These obviously aren’t cheap, so be sure to tackle the easy ones first!

Your bathroom doesn’t have to be a dungeon. Follow the simple tips above to get it up to date and make it a place that even a stranger wouldn’t mind taking care of their business in!