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Modern Teen Bedroom in Simple Theme

Modern Teen Bedroom In Simple Theme (Photo 9 of 10)

Selecting the best theme for a girl room is not difficult to do if you can assess the environmental issue in her personal space.  The themes are various since you can make it lush and fresh with new color, decor and accessories. Don’t make the decision based on your preference. You need to note on her opinion since it is her personal space. You can ask her the mood that she likes to perceive in the bedroom. If she loves to enjoy energizing style, you can go with bold shades as the main color in the private room. You can pick sunset yellow, lime green, burnt orange or even fuchsia to add colorful effect. But avoid accenting the wall in full red color since it can make the girl irritated.

She cannot sleep well at night because red is too rich and bold. Consider the age of your girl when you like to pick best theme for a girl room.  You should never choose the hello kitty or even Dora the explorer theme to adorn the room for your teen daughter. You need to make it a bit mature. For example, you can choose floral theme to make the bedroom beautiful and nice. You can go with soft colors like lilac, lavender, off white, soft pink, or pastel blue.

If you want to make it romantic, you can add a hint of mauve on the bed linen and duvet. It can bring dramatic style in her personal space. If you like to make it classic and modern, you can pick neutral shades as the main color to characterize the wall paint. You can pick beige to bring warm feeling when your girl sleeps inside her sanctuary. Make sure that the best theme for a girl room is approved by your daughter before you begin the remodeling project.