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Photo Gallery of Creating the Flower Bed Border Ideas for Your Lawn

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Impressive Flower Bed Border Ideas

Impressive Flower Bed Border Ideas (Photo 6 of 10)

Creating a flower bed border or edge is important so that you can keep the turf lawn weed and grass off the flower beds. If your flower beds have been invaded by these unwanted weeds, you must have known just how it can be nuisance. Here are some tips and flower bed border ideas that you will need to ensure that your edging would serve the function that you wish for.

The good flower bed border ideas will make your flower beds look tidier and well tended. The simplest ideas would be using the simple trench. This flower bed edging usually is square or half moon in shape. You need to dig a 4 to 6 inch deep trench and then cut a border between the flower beds and the lawn. The edge of the lawn should be cut straight downward, making a 45 degree angle.

The simple trench flower bed border ideas are also known by other name, the Victorian edging. Even though it is simple and easy to create, but it will require more maintenance as you will need to redo it at least twice in a year, thus you need to invest in more time and effort. To make your time easier, you can simply use the machine border edger to do it. If you use the machine, you will need to re-cut it less frequently.

Another option for flower bed border ideas is the metal border. This is a more expensive border if you compare with the simple trench of the plastic border. However, many people like the metal border because it can last longer and it is so easy to install. There are the plain metal edges and there are also the colored ones, like brown and green. Painted metal edging would be less obtrusive and the joints can be the weak point as often grass creeps between them.

Description: It is necessary to protect the flower beds in order to reduce the time and energy for the plugging out the unwanted weeds from the flower beds. Here are the flower bed border ideas.