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Photo Gallery of How to Save Money on a Bathroom Remodel

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Contemporary Bathroom Remodel with Wooden Panel Accent

Contemporary Bathroom Remodel With Wooden Panel Accent (Photo 7 of 7)

Have a nice bathroom and comfortable is certainly a matter of pride. But often we are indifferent to this one room, but with a little effort we can create the atmosphere of the bathroom better than ever.There is some truth in hell that make it the ideal bathroom atmosphere bother easy, or maybe we just confused about where to start from and how to remodel on a budget. Hence this tips will give you an idea and creative measures in order to remodel your bathroom more beautiful in low budget.

Paint The Wall With New Colors

Repainting your wall paint is the first step that you need to do. Specify the color you like and skewer with a concept that will you will stretcher. The bright colors will make the bathroom look more clean and refreshing.

Besides going to drastically change the appearance of your bathroom, paint the walls also relatively cheap. With affordable prices and a bit of fresh ideas about color, you will get a bathroom that changes color at all.

Buy New Cover (shower curtain)

Closing a shower curtain or shower rinse also give great effect when you replace it.Shower curtain usually have a wide range of prices depending on the material, style or brand.

Wall Decoration

Wall decoration is usually implement in the living room or the bedroom, but this time try to put it on the bathroom wall. You can buy your own, or even create your own wall decoration with creative ideas, for example from Pinterest.

Wall decoration in the bathroom also provides a unique impression for guests who ride wearing your bathroom. Wall hangings can express yourself, like what you love or your hobby or even your favorite pet photo.

With homemade decoration can be your best recommendation. It’s the right time to explore your creativity and skill to make unique design for wall décor. So here are some homemade wall décor ideas before you agree to apply one of those ideas.

What about painting floral by DIY project for your homemade wall décor ideas? Or not only floral design, you can paint with colors, styles, shapes or design look as free as you want. Painting by DIY project is not only a fun thing to do but so many benefits about it: you can save your money and budget, you can decide the concept freely or you can collaborate with your friends to do the homemade wall décor ideas with your friends.

Wrap cute fabric around a rectangular piece of styrofoam or wood and staple in the back. This mall trick can be considered as one of the easiest ways to create homemade wall décor ideas.

Using photos for wall décor art? Yes, it can be the most creative idea to do! Use your photo collections for the wall décor, arrange them in unique way as creative as you want. You can also décor the arrangement with some accessories, up to your decision.

There are also so many unique materials in home for your best homemade wall décor ideas. From toilet wrap, your old jeans, paper, cardboard, dolls, fabrics, and many other materials. Make sure to explore and know better your creativity skill by use materials around your home. Sometimes the best homemade wall décor ideas is the one that really close with your routine life, around your home or around your bathroom area.

Natural Stone or Ceramic Wall And Floor

When we you want a nice bathroom design and elegant while the vast size of the room is very limited. Actually there are some ways or tips that you can make a minimalist bathroom with a charming and elegant appearance.

To be able to design a minimalist bathroom with elegant and luxurious appearance you can choose the tiles that are used for bathing. Ceramic is a material that is often used in the bathroom because it has a flat area and is easily cleaned. However, to beautify and make the bathroom look elegant despite the small size you can use natural stone to decorate the bathroom wall or pedestal. For the problem of the color, you can take the green, light blue, tau other colors that make your bathroom look more fresh.

Mirror for Getting Wider Effects

Meanwhile you can also put a rather large glass on the bathroom wall. That is because to get the impression that a broader and looks luxurious and elegant, mirrors or glass will make your small room increasingly look more spacious and make the bathroom more functional more minimalist.

In terms of good decoration in the family room, bedroom or even in the bathroom youll often see a mirror, the mirror is no doubt really will make any room more attractive and functional. There are many types of mirrors that we can choose to beautify the favorite part of your minimalist home. In a previous article, we have shown a variety of tips to beautify the walls, one of which is the use of vintage mirrors and now we will display the special modern design different mirror. Modern Mirror arguably be one way to show your personality to others. Type of mirror you choose to wall bedroom or bathroom will not only reflect your personality, but also taste and character within you.

Now you have to understand that the mirror is one of the accessories that should be in every home every person. In fact we will reflect all of us first before going to school or office as we do every day before the start of activities and routines. Thus you have so many options to choose the type of mirror that you want in the bathroom, bedroom, or living room of your house. For example, the mirror in your bathroom, you should consider buying a mirror rather wide because when you use it you can see yourself as a entire clearly.

If possible you can consider to choose modern mirrors are made with different materials that make it more resistant to heat, humidity and water. Currently, there are various kinds of elegant design and a stunning mirror and can easily to get.

As you can see, some set with a simple mirror, it looks like nothing special. However, this glass can be a focal point because of its large size. The designs are simple enough so that you can easily apply in your home.

Roof Ventilation and Transparent

To create a minimalist bathroom with an elegant look and sound you can install or make the air ventilation. By having air ventilation, making the bathroom will increasingly look cool and fresh. In addition, to create the effect of light on your bathroom advised to make a transparent roof or can by using glass or frosted glass tile usual with often attached to the wall. By making the bathroom even brighter, especially during the day, make your bathroom more cool and pleasing to the eye even with minimal size.

Splash of Colour for Bathtub Canvases

The ordinary and white bathtub mostly become everyone’s choice. But why don’t you just try to add splash of colour for bathtub canvases? Make more attractive and lovely look for your bathtub. Here are the guides.

  • So many colors for bathtub you can pick. Get interest with another colors beside white? Try brown or cream for safe choice. To make your bathroom look different and attractive, you can use bathtub with bold colors. Purple, red, blue or pink can be your modest recommendation. You must remember that color bring different and varied look, for example, red will make your bathroom look elegant, chic but feminine at the same time. Blue is the best too, especially if you want to maximize the mood after tired about your work and want to get relaxing bath time.
  • There are splash of colour for bathtub canvases in patterns too! Yes, patterns like stripes or flowers for bathtub décor also available. It gives modern look, cozy nuance and fits for casual bathroom area.
  • Also considering another elements like flooring or wall. Do you want to use ceramic or tile for flooring and wall? It will be better if you also decide the color of flooring decoration or wall. It means you should make a specific concept first about your bathroom interior area. For example, if you want a colorful bright view, you can pick bathtub with blue stripes canvas, choose pink tile flooring decoration and fits with the brown tile wall. It will give a colorful touch but still in soft and elegant look.
  • Last, you can add artwork paintings to for your bathroom area. Artwork paintings with classic picture can be the best recommendation, or maybe the colorful ones for make all the things perfectly work. With the color arrangement from one detail to another details, we totally guarantee you will love the whole result of your bathroom area!

IKEA Bathroom Vanities

Bathroom vanities can give special look for your bathroom area. IKEA can be the best recommendation not only because its popular name but also according to its design interior quality, also the price. With bathroom vanities, a beautiful layout of your bathroom also can be perfectly suitable. So here there are some considerations you should know before pick the IKEA vanities.

IKEA is known as company that sell furniture sets products for home, not only for bathroom, but also for living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen, mostly come with innovative and creative design for the items. IKEA become popular and become branded company as their products become very likeable for most people. When people want to add bathroom vanities, make sure you pick the vanities by consider the colors, material, drawers, size and the space of arrangement. Don’t force your space of bathroom by add bathroom vanity when in fact you have small size of bathroom. You can pick the medium one, and set it in the right position of your bathroom layout. Of course position will take important part, if you can make it works nicely, although you have small bathroom area, you can make illusion of bigger space.

For another recommendation you can also visit the website of IKEA on Ikea.com and let yourself know better about all the things about vanities. Know all products, search what you need, read the details, information, ideas and all reviews on the websites. We totally guarantee you will love in the first sight about bathroom vanities. And remember to prepare the best yet beautiful layout about it once you’re done to pick the best bathroom vanities. Make sure you pick the best vanities and see the new look of your bathroom space!