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Photo Gallery of 15 Stunning Braided Rugs Decor Ideas

Explore Photo of Rectangle Wool Blend Braided Rug for Contemporary Living Room Decor

Rectangle Wool Blend Braided Rug for Contemporary Living Room Decor

Rectangle Wool Blend Braided Rug For Contemporary Living Room Decor (Photo 7 of 15)

Braided rugs have been on the decorator’s list for a long time. They are quite versatile when it comes to style. The technique of rug braiding has been bitten by the modern bug in recent years increasing its charm. The braided rug has decades of history going back to Colonial times in America. Clothing scraps and whatever extra pieces would be used to braid some type of covering for the home’s floor. This meant warmth for the residents and comfort for their guests.

The cool thing about these rugs is that they come in various styles like banded braided, yarn braided, flat braided, and cloth braided. Banded braids have wide bands and solid colors or varying braids with set patterns creating this appealing, dense type look. Cloth braids are more reminiscent of the traditional rugs. They look more like when old or dated clothing would be sliced up making strips. From that point the strips would be hand braided to create a covering for the floor. Generally, they would be oval braided rugs. Flat braids are more commonly made because it’s easier than the more traditional. The flats just intertwine three ropes of yarn or fabric. Still time consuming yet simple. The yarn braids are basically just woven yarn that’s done in a creative way.

Also known as rag rugs or country braided rugs, they have more uses than just in country home decor. Recently, braided rugs have gained popularity for being “green”. Think about it, they are mostly made from recycled materials. A rug can be braided from not only fabric but plastic, too. These rugs are nice because of their low maintenance. You can walk on them virtually forever when they are properly taken care of.

Braided rugs come in all types of styles these days. Wool braided rugs come in spectrum of colors and add that certain accent to your décor’s style. Gone are those drab dark colors that used to be the only options! Not today. Today you can get colors that pop from a softer pastel or colors with jewel-like undertones. These rugs are not just oval anymore either. The newest creations come in various shapes to fit any room in your home. So, now you know that it doesn’t matter whether you’re a little shabby or a lot of chic, there’s a charming rug all braided waiting for you.