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Photo Gallery of Average Cost of Vinyl Siding in American Houses Review

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Vinyl siding is known to cover American house in plastic exterior siding. The aim of vinyl siding is to give weatherproofing protection and decorate your house into better appearance. Vinyl siding is called PVC or polyvinyl chloride in UK. Vinyl siding is used commonly as they can save your money in maintaining your house. The average cost of vinyl siding is 11 percent cheaper than using a cedar siding and 26 percent cheaper than aluminum.

The average cost of vinyl siding ranges as cheap as $3 to $7 per square foot. The price is relative as there are a lot of factors that can increase the budget. However, if you wanted to suppress the money, you can do the installation by yourself. It costs $1-$2 in the average cost of vinyl siding per square foot. To understand the measurement of counting the vinyl siding decoration cost, you also need to include other variables such as the style of the siding, the manufacturer of the vinyl siding, the thickness of the material and the laborers you rent to install the siding.

Vinyl siding product affects the average cost of vinyl siding. The average American houses usually has two stories, the first story has 45’ and the second story has 25’ will have in about 2800 square foot exterior. Thus, the approximate cost of vinyl siding in common American house is $8,400 to $19,600. The layout of your house may increase the cost also as contractors might charge more on detailing work. Thus choose the contractor who has visible contract.

Thicker vinyl siding will increase the average cost of vinyl siding as thicker vinyl have better durability than the thinner one. The thicker vinyl also has more resistance on fade. Thus choosing thicker vinyl with little style is better than the thinner vinyl with textures as the latter have shorter life expectancy. It is safe to choose mid-range price as expensive price does not symbolize quality. It might be expensive because of the brand. It is also better for you to hand the installation on professional contractors. They will state a reasonable price and offer proper service on attaching the vinyl siding.

Description: The average cost of vinyl siding per square foot is $3-$7. Some factors might affect the price such as the installation workers, the vinyl product, and house type and shape.