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Storage Ideas for Small Apartment

Storage Ideas For Small Apartment (Photo 3 of 10)

Living in a big city is a competitive way of life, including the struggle to get an apartment. As the space in the city is limited and divided with the companies, thus the apartment’s size really varies. The ones with smaller size indeed are cheaper. But, there is one other problem that you should face if you live in small apartments which is space. We have several storage ideas for small apartments. It can be your idea to overcome the space problem.

Storage ideas for small spaces are challenging things to do. You need to think many times to get the best suited design for your room. You can make the room into one big cupboard with many doors. How could it be? These are really brilliant storage ideas for small apartments. By only sliding the door of the cupboard, you can make a surprise for friends. For example, the first long vertically door when you slide out, this is the stairs with space under it to be bookshelves.

The stairs from the sliding door leads you to the second story of the cupboard. Once you slide the long horizontal door, it shows a small bedroom which consists of only beds and pillows. It can fill up to two persons. Other storage ideas for small apartments are go down to the first story of the cupboard. By employing the next doors, you can make one space for the wardrobe when you slide the door. The next sliding door consists of a folded dining table and chairs.

In the table, you can also use it to read books or doing the assignments. Next, the one that is most surprising is that the bathroom. There is one door that everyone would not think it would be the bathroom. Once they open the door, one decorated simple bathroom is ready. These are the storage ideas for small bathrooms. By doing the points above, they are storage ideas for small apartments that you can apply.