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Photo Gallery of Surprising Green Home Decor for Eco Friendly Home Design

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Accent Walls Bedroom Decorating

Accent Walls Bedroom Decorating (Photo 5 of 10)

Decorating your home may be done with the eco friendly theme. It does mean that we have to plan the indoor plants in our home, but we can bring the green element in our home furniture. The beautiful Green Home Decor would be a good way to create the house to be a comfortable eco friendly house design. For sure, many people are trying to look for the comfortable living house, and we can find from these green home collections designed by the great house designer.

The first wonderful Green Home Decor is from Kimball Starr Interior in beautiful Hillside Sanctuary: Loft by Kimball Starr. The great eco friendly theme of this house appears in sweet and unique living room. The green touch appears on one of the furniture inside green home decor ideas. The room which is dominated by brown gets the green touch by the green back surface of the box table. It is so wonderful and amazing to be such a wonderful house design for you to get the special day here.

From the other home decor, the beautiful Green Home Decor from the Firefly Garden looks so beautiful. You may guess what the designer brings in this house. Beautiful spring tulips for the green theme in this living room look perfect. Especially by putting the beautiful white and green flowers in white ceramic vase with the additional green accent for the lines brings the eco friendly touches to the living room. You can do to your own living room by bringing the spring theme to your home with the beautiful tulips, or you may combine it with the rose and some Muscary accents.

The other decoration for the living room decor with the beautiful Green Home Decor is adding the spring tulips in amazing birch wood vase. For this amazing decoration style brings the green accent of these green and white tulips with the additional lights here. It is so wonderful and high quality tulips appearance. From Arcadia Communities at Willowsford brings the beautiful indoor plants to decorate the living room. Green home decor fabric is so wonderful and fresh living room. Do you have any ideas for your own living room?