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Unique Modern Coastal Home Designs

Unique Modern Coastal Home Designs (Photo 10 of 10)

Ideas of modern coastal home designs provide you some inspirations of having nice beach house. It includes furniture arrangement, colors, and materials. If you are in love with beach, build modern coastal home designs seems an interesting idea. The beautiful nature which is offered would bring such relaxed ambience upon your house. This home design would never fail to become perfect place for you to spend the holiday. Coming as a help, the following review is going to post several ideas of coastal home designs. Check them out and be ready to show off the most stunning beach house ever.

Beach house in modern style comes with the simple arrangement of furniture. You might start by arranging the furnishings in very carefully. Since modern house has narrow space, it is a must to decorate every part of house effectively. If it possible, take double duty furnishing to decorate your modern coastal home designs to make the room feels roomy. Never placing too much furniture is the key to avoid cluttered look over your coastal living house.

Choosing a right color is the next idea of having stylish modern beach house. As it is modern style, white paint would ensures you to have adorable contemporary design. Start by painting the whole wall in white is a basic step you should do. Then, you can add white simple sofas and glass coffee table with brown rug to make your room looks more alive. The choice of light color would make the room feels larger, then it can transform comfortable mood over your modern coastal home designs.

Exterior glass sliding doors with hardwood flooring is a perfect combination to beautify the exterior of beach house. Glass and wood are modern materials. Once you blend them together, it would just work. Glass door would allow plenty of lights in which the airy feels might make you stay comfort all the day. Meanwhile, modern coastal home designs with wooden flooring can transform warmth upon the house. It is a perfect house for enjoying beach.