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Station Theme for Small Bathroom Ideas

Station Theme For Small Bathroom Ideas (Photo 3 of 10)

In any regular house, bathroom is the smallest area inside the house so that bathroom storage design is always an issue to deal with. As a matter of fact, there are many creative people out there who have been so generous I creating many ideas that everyone could incorporate to have a better storage facility inside their small bathroom. These are some of the bathroom storage ideas that will be so useful ad functional in any small sized bathroom. You will have o clutter problem anymore inside the bathroom.

Labeled storage system is one of the ideas of bathroom storage design. Basically you will have to prepare several pieces of basket that each one of them is given a specific label. The labels indicate that the respective basket is used to store certain things. It will keep the things organized inside the bathroom clearly. Mason jars will be the next great idea of small bathroom storage if you have many small sized things to keep. Make up brushes, cotton swabs, and also lavender sprigs are all perfect to be placed in the mason jars with a bit of DIY creative touches.

Above the door shelf is another option of bathroom storage design for small bathroom especially of the ceiling is high. There will be a great deal of additional storage space given by the shelf placed above the door of your bathroom that will not get the way of anything else on the floor. Next idea is the piece of shoe organizer that is placed at the back of the door. You will not have to buy shelf and place it either on the wall or the floor. Just get it and attach it at the back of the door. Those are some creative ideas of the bathroom storage design that are useful for small bathroom.

Description: Bathroom storage design is actually available in so many creative choices for small bathroom. Among them is the use of mason jars and also above the door shelf.